Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Name Is Bonita Applebum and I'd like to say!

What up people!

Allow me to introduce myself
My name is Bonita Applebum.

Yes my name was inspired by the A Tribe Called Quest song.

Moving right along...

I am here because I love music. All kinds. I also Love Vibe Magazine. I would like to say that I am a pop-culture critic, but who isnt? We all critique what we see everyday. Pop culture is simply whats popular, its right in our faces, so of course we are going to have an opinion about it.

I will be using this blog as that very medium. You will not only see critiques of Vibe Magazine or of music, but also fashion, celebrity news and any other random musings that I have.
However music is the foundation for this blog. Music is my life. So you will be hard pressed to come here and not see me writing about it at any given time. Besides, when you think about it, music encompasses almost everything we are familiar with.

This is about my opinions and I dont write to change yours. I write to express mine.

Point. Blank. Period.

I encourage discourse, as long as its respectful and really nothing should be taken personal here, I say what I say but its not law or written in stone.

So welcome and stay tuned!