Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tell It Like it T.I.S. Tuesday (Chris Rock)


It's Tuesday so its time to Tell it like it T.I.S. about Chris Rock and the movie Good Hair.

Now I havent seen it yet, and I probably won't see it until it comes out on DVD. There are a few reasons for this.

As interesting as this movie may be , I think the main purpose of this movie is to educate non-black people about the the relationship black women have with their hair.

Simply put, I know all about black women and hair, because I am one. My sisters do hair, I hardly think I am going to find out too much that I dont already know.

Not only that but I have heard of some reactions that caucasian people have had towards the movie and I think that the message may be lost on some people.

I believe from seeing interviews from Chris Rock that he was trying to push the message that any hair that is healthy and that makes a woman feels good, is good hair.

But I think some people may be viewing it as a another way to marginalize black women and pity us for the hair that we are born with, or try to over philosphize why we have so many different styles for our hair.

I just feel like this movie may get a negative backlash, just because its solely focusing on black women and the things we do to our hair. In my opinion black women get sterotyped enough and this documentary may just add fuel to the fire.

Along with my feelings of apprehension is the fact that Chris Rock is a comedian. So some issues may be taken lightly simply because he may frame them that way. On top of that he is a black man, doing a movie about black women's hair, something I hardly think he is an expert about. Though I will give him credit for getting so many different black women's perspectives.

Nevertheless, the movie is in select theaters now and will be open to all theatres on October 23rd.

Here's the trailer.

People who have seen it can let me know what you think!